Children & Youth at Christ Church

We love having so many children at Christ Church, and they are at the heart of who we are as a church.

We have a number of regular groups and events for children and youth aged 0-18.

All of the groups below take place at Christ Church.

Sunday Kids Church, 10.30am & 5.00pm
Each Sunday, during our 10.30am service, we have a number of age-specific groups for children and youth aged 0-14.

During the 5.00pm service there is a group for school years 3-6.

Monday Toddler Group, 9.00am - 11.00am
Christ Church Tots takes place every Monday during term time for pre-school children and their carers. There is a small charge of £1 per adult and 50p per child. Everyone welcome! Sign up in advance. Check the Facebook page each week for the signup link.

Thursday Youth Bible Study
Youth Club for secondary-school aged youth takes place every Thursday during term time, 6.00pm-7.00pm

Sunday Youth Club
Youth Club for secondary-school aged youth takes place every Sunday during term time, following the 5pm service. Youth club kicks off at 6.10pm and finishes at 7.30pm.

Revitalise Youth Nights
Along with St John’s Southend and St Michael’s Westcliff, we host a termly city-wide youth night. Keep an eye on the What’s On page for our next event.

Special Events/Clubs
We hold regular special events and clubs for children and youth - visit the What’s On page to see what’s coming up.

For more information or to ask about our children and youth groups, please fill out the contact form below.